Friday, 20 November 2009

Interview Speech And Questions

During our first filming day, we filmed an interview scene where some of the cast were asked a few questions about their character.

Here are the questions that were asked:

Here today i am joined with some of the cast from the new soap 'I.V'

  • So, 'I.V' that's an unusual name for a soap, where did the idea come from?

  • So would you say that the lives of these characters get manipulated and changed throughout the outcoming episodes?

  • So, Thegla you play the character of 'Andrea', tell me about her.

  • So how would you say that 'Chloe' influences her?

  • A question for you all...

  • What makes your soap different to other contemporary soaps?

  • There are a lot of soaps already out on TV, how are you hoping to attract the viewers for yours?

Written by Elena Christodoulou

Group Filming Day One- Evaluation

On Sunday 15th November 2009 we began filming the opening of an episode which we plan to upload on the website. We believe this will benefit us, drawing in potential audiences. We arrived around 11:30 am and started sorting out how we would position the room. We discussed the part of storyline we would be focusing on and decided what type of shots we would use and how we wanted the scene to end up looking, we moved unnecessary objects out the way, such as dog treats and keys, and took pictures of our set in order to ensure everything stayed in the same place if we decided to film again.

After ensuring the set was the way we planned we set up the camera and microphone. We decided not to use the camera given to us by our school, but used a professional camera which we thankfully had access too. However, when we lined up the shot we came across a few problems such as the positioning of the camera against a window left over exposure behind the actress and darkness in front leaving the shot unclear and unprofessional. We experimented on different ways of eliminating the problems, for example we attempted on blocking out the back light using black card and reflecting light onto the actress from the front using white card. These attempts were successful, however later we came to the decision on moving the actress further up the kitchen because it would look better when the other actress came through the door, giving us an overall better reaction shot and close up shots.

We all took turns with the filming and holding the microphone, listening through the headphones to make sure the sound was how we wanted it.

We started filming the main character 'Andrea' (played by Thegla) having her breakfast in the kitchen when she gets a text saying 'Are you in school today?', her mum then walks past and tells her to hurry up otherwise she is going to be late.

We used a variety of shots, including close-up shots, over the shoulder shots, panning shots, wide shots, reaction shots and a shot which included Thegla in the foreground and her 'mum' in the background and each one going into focus as they speak/react to the other one. We filmed a variety of these shots so that when we move onto the editing stage we will have enough shots to create what we want.

After completing what we could for the episode we moved into the living room, and began organising the room to make it look like an interview room. We chose the interviewer and the interviewees and arranged what questions will be asked, how they would be answered, and how many different shots were needed. However, due to background noise we decided to leave the equipment as it was and go take pictures for our magazine cover and return later when it was quieter. This is when we came up with the idea to challenge the ordinary TV magazine cover and go for one inspired by like 'Radio Times'. We walked down a quiet road near the house and stood together to take pictures. We discussed that in order to deceive the reader into thinking we were all a big group of friends in the soap we decided on three of us standing on one side of the picture and Thegla on the other to emphasize the division of the group. For these shots we all looked at the camera. Then we walked further down the road and the three girls stood in a group whilst Thegla sat on a bench away from the girls looking in their direction. This was to show how Thegla's character felt sectioned off and wanted to be a part of the group, from the body language given off by the group, Thegla's character wasn't accepted.

We returned to the house and began with filming the cast interviews. We decided to leave the camera on record to film us concurrently through out the question and answer session, we filmed different reaction shots, hand movements, body language and close ups after the questions had been answered. We also took photos of the interview. When we create the website for our soap, this part of our project will go under the "interview" tab with the video out takes as well.

Group Effort.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Recce Forms

These are the location recces for all the possible locations. The date we will be filming will be added at a later date when they have all been fully decided upon.




Students making their journey to school. The main girl (Andrea) is bunking from school, smoking and a group of girls from her school walk past and one of them asks for a cigarette.

The location is suitable for filming as there is enough space for the whole group to work effectively. The lighting outside should be suitable, just depending on the weather. There may be a variety of hazards and things to think of such as:
-If the weather is bad, people might slip on the pavement
-Making sure the road is not too busy with cars and us not standing in the road.
This will be suitable to use any time of the day, but we are choosing during the day when it is light outside.




The main character Andrea looking at the notes she was getting and then having the flashbacks. The letters coming in through the post box.

The location is suitable for filming as there is enough space for the whole group to work effectively. The lighting will be suitable as we can use lights. There may be a variety of hazards and things to think of such as:
-People tripping over wires
We do not need to get permission to film here as it is one of our bedrooms and it is available all day.




The dead body

The location is suitable for filming as there is enough space for the whole group to work effectively. The lighting outside should be suitable, just depending on the weather. There may be a variety of hazards and things to think of such as:
-If the weather is bad, people might slip
-Keeping the equipment dry




The main character (Andrea) gaining another note

The location is suitable for filming as there is enough space for the whole group to work effectively. The lighting should be suitable. There may be a variety of hazards and things to think of such as:
-Tripping over wires
-The layout and size of the Cafe
We need to get permission to film in this location and find out from the manager when will be suitable times to film there.


Sunday 15th November 2009


The main girl Andrea, having her breakfast, her mum comes in and tells her to hurry up because she will be late for school; Andrea walks out and slams the door behind her.
A boy cooking his breakfast, he gets a phone call and tells the person he is going to be late for school.

The location is suitable for filming as there is enough space for the whole group to work effectively. The lighting should be suitable and if it gets too dark, we can use lights. There may be a variety of hazards and things to think of such as:
-Tripping over wires
-Possible fire hazard while the breakfast is being cooked
We do not need to get permission to film here.

Written by Natalie Michael

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Risk Assesment and Shooting Schedule


Location: street/sidewalk

Hazards and Procedures


Make sure all extras and crew are away from the road, keep an order under where people film and stand.

Bad Weather:

In case of bad weather occurring I will make sure my entire group will be under shelter to film so that they can somewhere it is dry, and so they do not slip and the equipment cannot get damaged.

Passers by damaging equipment:

Could accidentally break equipment, ensure we do not obstruct the whole pavement and keep all equipment not in use away from the sidewalk.

Location: Bedroom

Hazards and procedures

Tripping on wires:

Make sure all extras and crew are away from the wires and camera equipment when filming isn’t taking place, and ensure all wires are kept tidy and away from doorways etc.

Fire Starting

There will be a fire extinguisher on the side of the room, which everyone will be aware of, and be guided through before filming, we will also cover which way to get out of the house in case of a fire.

Location: Garden
Hazards and Procedures

Bad Weather:

In case of bad weather occurring I will make sure my entire group will be under shelter to film so that they can somewhere it is dry, and so they do not slip and the equipment cannot get damaged.

Tripping over:

Ensure all production team and extras are wearing safe clothing until filming, to prevent them slipping.

Location: Cafe
Hazards and Procedures

Fire Starting:

There will be a fire extinguisher on the side of the room, which everyone will be aware of, and be guided through before filming, we will also cover which way to get out of the house in case of a fire.

Tripping over:

Ensure all production team and extras are wearing safe clothing until filming, to prevent them slipping.
Disruption to public and Passers by damaging equipment:

Could accidentally break equipment, ensure we do not obstruct the doorways and passages and keep all equipment not in use packed away safely, also ensure we keep the noise down and only relevant amount of people present, preventing any accidents etc.

Location: Corner shop
Hazards and Procedures

Tripping over:

Ensure all production team and extras are wearing safe clothing until filming, to prevent them slipping. Ensure boxes and shop items are not obstructing any doorways or passages.

Disruption to public and Passers by damaging equipment:

Could accidentally break equipment, ensure we do not obstruct the doorways and passages and keep all equipment not in use packed away safely, also ensure we keep the noise down and only relevant amount of people present, preventing any accidents etc.

Location: Kitchen
Hazards and Procedures:

Fire Starting:

There will be a fire extinguisher on the side of the room, which everyone will be aware of, and be guided through before filming, we will also cover which way to get out of the house in case of a fire.

Tripping over:

Ensure all production team and extras are wearing safe clothing until filming, to prevent them slipping. Also ensure all wires and leads are kept in order and not running past doorways, if this is the case I will put up signs of warning.

By Elena Christodoulou
............................................................................................................................................................................8* *Shooting Schedule: Episode 1

Here is a print screen of the shooting schedule for my groups first episode. The shooting schedule allowed us to know what we needed for each shot, concerning camera angles and also dialogue. We found it as a brilliant way of planning filming days and informing each group member of which individual roles were needed. For example, someone needed to control sound, lighting, continuity.. etc.

-print screen of episode 1 shooting schedule

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*Shooting Schedule: Trailer
Here is the shooting schedule of our groups trailer. We did one for both our trailer and episode. Our shooting schedule was very beneficial for us as we used it as a way of planning and informing group members of who and what was needed for our filing days.

-print screen of our trailers shooting schedule:
page 1 page 2 page 3

page 4

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Magazine Cover Ideas

3rd November 2009

For this lesson we had brought in a digital camera to take pictures for our Front Cover.
These WERE NOT our final pictures, but a rough idea of how we will shoot and position the pictures for the final cover.
A normal front cover usually has a big picture of the main character in a storyline in the middle of the page, and may include other characters behind them. We tried to position ourselves to make it look like the victim was the main picture but with the suspects on each side of her, over her shoulder. Firstly we stood with the main character infront of the two suspects and took a picture, but we saw that the characters behind looked too short and not in place. We moved to the stairs to try and elevate the other characters. This looked successful, but not professional. We decided, as a group, to take individual pictures and Photoshop the characters into place.

Group Effort, Written By Thegla Savvides