IV Trailer from Louis Christodoulou on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
IV Trailer
Monday, 8 February 2010
Filming Focus Group

Sunday, 7 February 2010
Group Filming Day One to Three Plans
For every filming day Elena and Natalie M organised a plan in order to make our filming days run smoothly.
Day 2- Filming Schedule Sheet
1. Wide shot
- Thegla sitting on the bed, crying, everything in shot.
-Hair down, make up running
-Props: tissues on bed scrunched up, notes on bed, artificial lighting.
2. Close up
-Front shot of Theglas face, crying red eyes, looks down at notes
(i) Point of view shot
- looking down at notes, Theglas hands and legs in shot.
(ii) Over the Shoulder shot
-Side of Theglas head in shot, her head begins focused, notes can be seen but out of focus, she picks up note “WE”, note focuses, head unfocused.
4. Low shot (floor)
- Feet walking past the camera, shadows help to add to the dreary effect
5. Wide shot
- (i) letter box, post dropping
- (ii) Post drops, Thegla walks into shot picks up post
- Props: Newspaper, note: “WE”, basic letters, leaflets (-focus on newspaper to allow audience to understand note later on)
6. over the shoulder shot
- (i) See Thegla putting the note “WE” away from the other notes
-(ii) same shot, Thegla in focus, picks up the note “KNOW” , she fades out of focus, the note focuses .
Props: tissues on bed scrunched up, notes on bed, artificial lighting.
7. Side shot, panning around Thegla from right hand side to over the shoulder-
-Thegla sitting at the table- sorting out her books, getting a pen out of her pencil case.
-when camera stops over the shoulder she opens her folder, turns pages, sees post it note with “KNOW” written on it, goes to pick it up- assuring the audience she has seen the note.
-Props- Folder, pencil case, phone, pens, highlighters etc
(i) Reaction shot-Close up, shocked, loud breathing closes eyes, tear falling.
(ii) Pans around from front shot to over the shoulder- Theglas head in focus puts down note “KNOW” next to note “WE” which is separated from the others, notes out of focus.
(iii) Thegla picks up note “WHAT”, as note is brought closer to her, it focuses- shows her hand shaking.
Props: tissues on bed scrunched up, notes on bed, artificial lighting.
9. Wide shot-
- shot from the hallway, (sound of keys) Thegla opens the door walks into the house carrying shopping bags, walks directly past the camera.
10. side shot-
- Thegla walks into shot, stands with the camera on her side, tips open one of the bags onto the table, and she picks up the clothing- now on the table, as she unfolds clothing, note falls out drops onto the floor- doesn’t take much notice of it.
Props: keys, shopping bags, clothing, note
(i) Reaction shot-Close up, shocked, loud breathing closes eyes, tears falling.
(ii) Wide shot - Thegla picks up note “DID”, as note is brought closer to her, it focuses- shows her hand shaking.
Props: tissues on bed scrunched up, notes on bed, artificial lighting.
(i) DID??
(i) Reaction shot-Close up, shocked, loud breathing closes eyes, tears falling.
(ii) Pans around from front shot to over the shoulder- Theglas head in focus puts down note “DID” with the other notes.
(iii) Point of view shot - Thegla looking at notes in order of “WE KNOW WHAT DID”.
(iiii) Reaction shot – Thegla looking confused but still worried, tears and make up running down her face.
look of recognition appears.
(i) Wide shot Thegla sitting watching tv, phone beeps
(ii) Over the shoulder shot – Thegla opens text from unknown sender
(iii) Point of view shot – text on the screen showing just the word “YOU”
(iiii) Reaction shot – looking worried but not taking too much notice of note. Puts phone down
Props: tv, phone
(v) Wide shot - Thegla gets up off bed and gets her phone
(vi) Point of view shot, phone in focus, hand shaking – text seen earlier with the word “YOU.”
(vii) Thegla places phone in place between notes “WHAT” and “DID”.
(viii) Reaction shot – Thegla looking terrified, panic in her eyes
15. Point of view shot- all notes including phone.
Props: tissues on bed scrunched up, notes on bed and phone, artificial lighting.
15. Close-up of dead body, camera zooms out showing a wide shot of dead body lying in the street.
17. I.V appears on screen
by Elena Christodoulou
Friday, 5 February 2010
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Group Filming Day Three - Evaluation
Members Present: Natalie Michael, Thegla Savvides, Elena Christodoulou, Natalie Nicolaides
The session started at 10.30am
On Sunday 31st January was our final day of filming. When we met up the first thing we did was to go through our plan of the day and establish what the outcomes of the day were to be. Firstly we set up the camera on its tripod, and position the microphone. We also had to adjusted the lighting for our first shot as we had too much natural light coming through the window, which created the wrong atmosphere for our scene. Whilst experimenting with the camera angles and shots we decided to frame the shot with the leaves of a plant positioned next to the camera, this allowed us to play around with focus within the shot, which will also benefit us when we come to edit as we would have a selection of shots to choose from.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Group Filming Day Two - Evaluation
Saturday 23rd January 2010
We did not need to use many props, however, the props we did use were:
- tissues scrunched on the bed (to show the character had been crying)
- a phone (When the character remembers the text she had received)
- the notes
Some problems we experienced was with the text on the phone, it came up very small and the camera found it hard to focus, so we came up with the idea of taking a picture of it from the newspaper and leaving it widescreen.
We decided to change around the way the notes were received as this would confuse the audience and create suspicion within the trailer. From the notes forming 'WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID', they first create 'DID YOU KNOW WHAT' then when Thegla finally remembers the text she re-orders them to say 'YOU KNOW WHAT WE DID', then finally 'WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID'.
To make the actress cry, Olbas Oil was applied under the eyes which successfully made her cry and make her make-up run. This was applied three times because the scene had to be shot numerous times and the effects had worn off.
Overall, the day was successful and did not run as long as the previous filming day. We learned that the more organised we were the easier our schedule became. The extra concentration put into the organisation of the script enabled both actress and behind-the-scene's individuals to easily work together quickly and efficiently. We did, however, encounter some problems which we were able to sort out without issue.
Group Effort, Written By Thegla Savvides
Editing progress / Finding the soundtrack
i experimented with a few random shots we'd filmed, arranging clips in order to confuse the audience more, i added a few more fades/dissolves and edited a bit more of the interviews scene, the interview scene is by far the most difficult, we didn't plan it very well and so the shots are all over the place with no real structure to show where everything goes.
I began arranging them from where i wanted them to cut in. i experimented with the saturation, mids, blacks and highlights, adjusting the warmth of the pictures by adding oranges and more blues to make it colder.
Under Video filters- colour corrector then i had a choice of yellows, greens, blues etc.
I took down the saturation by about 15% , shifted it slightly to the blues.
This was all a part of colour grading perfecting the lighting in order to create the moods we wanted. giving it a uniform feel, making some scenes warmer, for example, the scene with the dust and the sun coming through the letter box. i changed the colour magnitude making the door richer in colour. bumping up the highlights made the sunlighting coming through the letter box sparkle more.
With the IV Natalie N came up with the idea of having IV written along a line, so i downloaded a Font called Neon, under Video Generator effects, i clicked Boris then text scrambler, i increased the reveal time , decreasing the opacity creating the effect on IV....................
I experimented it with 3D by adding a spin in the axis, i then decided to add INDEPENDENT VARIABLE to the IV effect i did the same making it 3D and put it underneath the IV line...............
To create the words, i clicked Apple V (paste) to keep pasting new clips and on each one i typed different words that best represented our soap, For example, like Love, Revenge, Hate, Success.etc it was rendering slowly so i created new sequence and pasted the words in because the text requires rendering and laying them all on top gives it a lot to do at once so it takes longer.
However one problem i had with the words was when the computer froze, after a quick panic, i was thankful to have saved it just before it closed but i still couldn't add anymore to it but i think i had added enough words anyway so i am grateful that worked out too.
In order to make editing easier, we printed off a keyboard shortcuts guide to editing.
Written by Elena Christodoulou
We was given an OCR sheet that had a number of links for music websites, many of them had to be bought and prices ranged from $30-$50.
Written by Elena Christodoulou
Creation of Website
As a group, we sat together and planned what we wanted on each page, using what we had found to have been successful from our research on current soap websites.
Natalie Michael and Thegla Savvides began with the basic outline of the website with inputs from the other group members. Once this was mainly done, Natalie Michael and Elena went through this, changing fonts and colours making the website clearer and more attractive to our target audience. We changed the white font to red on the character profile pages making it much clearer and eye-catching for the audience to read. The fonts were changed throughout most of the pages as through feedback from peers, the original one wasn't as good as the new one. We also hyperlinked the pages together making pictures and text link to the appropriate pages.
On the page for 'Andrea's Diary', we added stars to the corner of the pages. This made the page seem more fun and girly and should make the viewer feel comfortable visiting the page. We were unable to change the colour of this stars from white. After some more exploration, Thegla realised that this was indeed possible and we changed them to a calming pink and yellow colour. This fitted with the feel of a diary page.