Tuesday 15th September
Start Time: 11:37am
People Present:
Elena Christodoulou, Thegla Savvides, Natalie Michael, Natalie Nicolaides
- As a group we decided to involve our soap around a teenage lifestyle, involving school, relationships and typical teenage problems.
- We discussed various locations and central meeting points like school, home and cafes.
- Characters we decided are based around a stereotypical teenager. leaving the audience the ability to relate to them.
- Heirachy:
-Popularity Vs Geeks
-Rich Vs Poor
- Popularity/Rich/Education
- Relationships/Jealousy/Revenge
- We also discussed targets for the week and allocated each other different assignments in complete. e.g research (questionnaires, TV soap analysis, trailer analysis evaluation of questionnaire etc.)
Finish Time: 12:26pm
Group effort: by Elena Christodoulou
using skins, waterloo raod and hollyoaks as our main examples.