Analyzing websites - What? Why?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this website you are given the option as to whether you want to enter the 'official Australian' site or the 'official UK' site, both leading to website about the soap. This page has a few pictures of the characters which are seen during the opening credits. There is also an image of a landscape of Australia with a Ramsey Street scene name sticking up from it. The welcome sign gives the site a friendly feel to it.
The Australian site:The home page has the 'Ramsey Street' street sign in the top left hand corner. This flowed from the same sign we saw on the first page we were taken to. There are 9 options on the home page along the bar at the top. This includes:
- home
- video
- episodes
- characters
- forums
- music
- photos
- interact
- competitions
Under these options is a slide show showing events that are happening in the soap and to the characters' lives. This includes photos from:
- last episode
- next episode
- news
- declans diary
- photo gallery
- video
- E.P corner (executive producer)
Each section has an image and text, clicking on the image takes you to that page on the site where you can read/ see more.
Under the 'favourite' section visitors to the site can choose from a selection of links:
- most recent/most popular episodes
- latest fans
- characters by residence
- neighbours quiz
- latest news
- vote here
- hot forum topics
- download own wallpaper
There is also a section called 'tour and merchandise. This gives people the chance to tour the Neighbours set and meet the characters. A selection of tours can be chosen each with different prices and the option to take a free tour. This will draw in visitors to the site. There are images of people, who have taken the tour, with the characters and they are holding the 'Ramsey Street' road sign. There is an image of the tour bus with times of departure.
From each of the links at the top of the page a number of fun and interesting sections can be revealed.
This section allows the audience to feel part of the Neighbours world and see the characters in a different way to how they would see them during the show. The videos are not available to UK viewers. This is an advantage to the Australian viewers.
This has a selection of previous episodes and the next episode. This makes sure the audience cant miss out.
When the audience select a character from the scrolling bar at the top, the audience are taken to the page of that character. This page gives information about the character. The audience can read up on the life of that character and possibly feel as thought they are getting to know the character.
'Welcome to the Neighbours community' is written above the forum topics. This is friendly for the audience.
'Songs from Neighbours classic episodes and your favourite stars!'. Clicking on this takes you to a page with the words:'After an overwhelming number of requests from "Neighbours" fans, Grundy Television in collaboration with Sony Music have put together this fantastic collection of music from the show.'The fact that this shows that the fans are listened to would make them feel special and they will still remain faithful to Neighbours as a soap as they would feel part of the 'family'.
There is a slide show and a choice of groups of episodes to see the pictures from. This will allow the audience to see memorable moments from the episodes of their favourite characters.
There are 4 main sections on this page; trivia, timeline, fan messaging and wallpapers. These all allow the audience to feel part of the nieghbours community even more.
'Lots of promotions and great prizes can be found with the click of a button! Good luck'
These words are found when you first enter the competition page. They are friendly and it does not sound too formal which would let the audience feel comfortable on the site.
In my opinion, the Australian site is very successful as it is friendly, easy to use and has enough links and things to do so that the visitor to it does not get bored. A true Neighbours fan would enjoy this site. i hope that within my group we can take examples from this successful site in order to make ours look good too.
This site takes us to the holysoap website which gives information on all the soap operas, British and Australian. This has a similar layout to the Australian one and has similar features for the UK audience to enjoy. It includes:
- full episodes
- clips
- news and gossip
- pictures
- cast
- extras
These links all have similar things as the Australian site does. Again, i believe this site is as successful as the Australian one.
Written By Natalie Michael